Durango School District 9-R Home
Welcome to The Durango School District
95%Graduation rate at Durango High School
29Home languages spoken by students
3Schools awarded Governor’s Distinguished Improvement
20%CMAS test scores rank in top 20% of all Colorado Schools

About Us

District News

Bond kicks off with big ideas and a galloping start

Changemaker Hub gives students a voice in shaping the future of learning

Open House dates for kindergarten and preschool + kindergarten screening events

Fluent in two or more languages? Join our interpreter team

Need to replace a student ID/bus pass? Here's how

SOIL Outdoor Learning Lab: Winter updates + spring events

The good times roll at 3rd annual Soul Food Dinner

Register now: Southwest Colorado Educator Recruitment Fair is March 8

K-12 students invited to participate in STEM Exhibition

‘I don’t want this day to end’: Durango School District Students shine in Elementary All-State Choir

Bond kicks off with big ideas and a galloping start

Changemaker Hub gives students a voice in shaping the future of learning

Open House dates for kindergarten and preschool + kindergarten screening events

Fluent in two or more languages? Join our interpreter team

Need to replace a student ID/bus pass? Here's how

SOIL Outdoor Learning Lab: Winter updates + spring events

The good times roll at 3rd annual Soul Food Dinner

Register now: Southwest Colorado Educator Recruitment Fair is March 8

K-12 students invited to participate in STEM Exhibition

‘I don’t want this day to end’: Durango School District Students shine in Elementary All-State Choir

Bond kicks off with big ideas and a galloping start

Changemaker Hub gives students a voice in shaping the future of learning

Our Mission
What people say about us

– Olivia Cruz, High School Science Teacher

– Eduardo Gonzalez, parent of middle school student

– Michaela Richardson, high school student and Student Board Member

Superintendent's Message

Quality of Life

Land Acknowledgement
Accessibility Statement
It is the goal of Durango School District 9-R that the information on this website be accessible to individuals with visual, hearing, or cognitive disabilities. Good faith efforts are being made to ensure that our website complies with web accessibility standards.
Most pages on our site are available in HTML format, which can be read by screen readers. Some documents are in Adobe PDF format, requiring Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded for free from the Adobe website. Additionally, some documents are in Google Docs, and Google Forms. Most modern browsers and screen readers can access Google-based documents. More information about Google web products accessibility can be found on the Google Accessibility website.
In order to ensure that Durango School District websites are accessible to everyone in our community, including those with disabilities, we are using the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.
If you cannot access any page(s) on our site, please email us at info@durangoschools.org. Include the location of the webpage/document, your name, email address, and phone number so we can provide the information in another format, and address the issue.